Thoughts on Hornady 95gr SST for Whitetail Hunting - Printable Version

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Thoughts on Hornady 95gr SST for Whitetail Hunting - wiersy111 - 01-11-2025

I am doing my research to find my starting combination for hunting Minnesota whitetail with the 6mm ARC. I use Hornady SST's in every other caliber I own with very  good results, but the lightest bullet is the 123gr SST in the 6.5 Grendel. All I find is the 95gr SST for the 6mm ARC, but that seems a bit on the light side to me. Am I wrong? I really like the SST so I don't want to count it out before I even start. I am thinking about pairing it with IMR 8208 XBR, TAC, or CFE 223. Does any one have experience with the 95gr SST? 

The only hunting ammo I find locally is Hornady with the 103gr ELD-X. And that is in very limited quantities. I don't have any experience with the ELD-X bullet. Any input would be helpful.

RE: Thoughts on Hornady 95gr SST for Whitetail Hunting - ReddyToGo - 01-11-2025

I read a really good write up on the 95gr SST when used with the 6mm ARC, however, I have not tried it. Sorry don't have any real world results to share but it is one projectile I would strongly consider with the 6mm ARC.

I also shoot the 6.5 Grendel and have used the 123 SST, but for me, it was a little soft based on the fragmentation I have seen. I have captured a few and they have between 50 and 65% weight retention, mainly hogs which can be challenge for projectiles.

Is this an AR or bolt gun?

Me personally, I would consider either one of these. If it were me, I would buy a factory box of 103 ELD-X to see if it shoots. I have also heard good things about the ELD-X with the 6mm ARC.

Looking forward to some real world feedback on the SST and ELD-X when used with the 6mm ARC......

RE: Thoughts on Hornady 95gr SST for Whitetail Hunting - CZ527 Guy - 01-11-2025

I have not shot the 95 gr SST.  What I have shot includes the 103 GR ELDX, 108 GR Berger Elite hunter, 87 Gr Absolute Hammer & 90 GR CX. I prefer a projectile that has high retained weight. 103 GR ELDX did not quite live up to my standards when testing w water jugs to catch a bullet . If you Are satisfied with the SST offerings I expect you would like the 103 GR ELDX.

Suppose I had marginal faith on expansion with the Elite hunter on my first deer hunt with my 22" CZ527. Four years ago on the 2nd day of season I had an opportunity on a large bodied Whitetail at 254 yards. High shoulder shot was chosen, resulted in DRT results with the 108 gr Elite hunter.

Last 3 years I opted for the all copper 87 gh Hammer absolute hunter & the 90 GR CX with favorable results.

RE: Thoughts on Hornady 95gr SST for Whitetail Hunting - wiersy111 - 01-11-2025

(01-11-2025, 03:18 AM)ReddyToGo Wrote: I read a really good write up on the 95gr SST when used with the 6mm ARC, however, I have not tried it. Sorry don't have any real world results to share but it is one projectile I would strongly consider with the 6mm ARC.

I also shoot the 6.5 Grendel and have used the 123 SST, but for me, it was a little soft based on the fragmentation I have seen. I have captured a few and they have between 50 and 65% weight retention, mainly hogs which can be challenge for projectiles.   

Is this an AR or bolt gun?

Me personally, I would consider either one of these. If it were me, I would buy a factory box of 103 ELD-X to see if it shoots. I have also heard good things about the ELD-X with the 6mm ARC.

Looking forward to some real world feedback on the SST and ELD-X when used with the 6mm ARC......
Thanks for the reply.

This is going to be a Bear Creek Arsenal 20" upper mated to one of my lowers topped with a 6-24x50 Vortex Diamondback. Nothing real special just something fun. I had extra parts and a scope laying around so I figured out I might as well do something with them. 

I'm sure I will end up buying a box or two of factory ammo just to zero the scope and have fun with.

RE: Thoughts on Hornady 95gr SST for Whitetail Hunting - grayfox - 01-11-2025

I have definite reservations on bear creek, having owned one and compared with faxon, monster, et al.
But this is not about that; if you have chosen, we'll let it be.

I would definitely say get some factory 103's, if you can get them locally then pop open the box to find a lot# with gold primers, vice the silver ones -- they have been more accurate for me in my barrels. But if not locally then shop on ammoseek to find the best price+vendor combo (some vendors/sellers are very marginal at best, imo).
Another possibility is the 108 eldm -- although not listed as a hunting round, it has been accurate and at 6 Arc velocities can perform well.
Both of these 103/108 have good BC and velocity over shooting distances so they are viable.
I don't like the 95 sst b/c even at 243 Win velocities it doesn't give any exit wound (I had that result in one doe I shot a couple years ago) -- some of the heavier sst's work ok but the 95-er not so much... if you want to do 95 -- and it is a decent grain weight for 6 Arc/20", then look at either the 95 nosler ballistic tip, or the berger 95 vld hunter. There's also a classic hunter but the vld gives you a good combo of OAL and speed/BC. Or even the 90 gr Sierra tgk... fast and a good choice; BC 0.490.

The other disadvantage of the 95 sst is it is a flat base and stubby ogive --> low BC of 0.355 (loses Vel and ke quickly), so takes up a lot of room in the 6 Arc. Limits your case capacity. I have gotten them up to 2800-ish/ 20" barrel but for all the reasons I go with either the berger or nosler for a 95-weight.

For your arc I would also suggest use a Lee factory crimp die to keep your bullet/OAL constant in the AR's banging and slamming around. helps your accuracy and repeatability.

RE: Thoughts on Hornady 95gr SST for Whitetail Hunting - 300BLK - 01-11-2025

For hunting out to 300 yards, BC really isn’t a factor to worry about. Wht is important is bullet construction, so something that holds together at close range, yet soft enough to expand at distance. Nosler Partitions are the original “premium “ bullets, and may still be the best.

RE: Thoughts on Hornady 95gr SST for Whitetail Hunting - DeadEyeSly - 01-15-2025

Look up vortex nation on YouTube. They have some videos where they tested several bullets in the 6mm ARC.

RE: Thoughts on Hornady 95gr SST for Whitetail Hunting - wiersy111 - 01-15-2025

(01-15-2025, 12:54 AM)DeadEyeSly Wrote: Look up vortex nation on YouTube. They have some videos where they tested several bullets in the 6mm ARC.
Cool I'll give them a look see

(01-11-2025, 06:19 PM)300BLK Wrote: For hunting out to 300 yards, BC really isn’t a factor to worry about.  Wht is important is bullet construction, so something that holds together at close range, yet soft enough to expand at distance.  Nosler Partitions are the original “premium “ bullets, and may still be the best.
Partitions and Silver Tips are on my list of bullets to try.

RE: Thoughts on Hornady 95gr SST for Whitetail Hunting - 300BLK - 01-16-2025

(01-15-2025, 12:54 AM)DeadEyeSly Wrote: Look up vortex nation on YouTube. They have some videos where they tested several bullets in the 6mm ARC.
Those guys sure do T-A-L-K........ episode 360: long story short, all bullets were shot into ballistic gel.  90gr TGK was impressive at 100 and 300 yards!  90gr Accubond was only shot at 100 and was less impressive, seemed more fragile.  95gr Barnes LRX was impressive at 100 and 300.  103 ELDX was only shot at 100 and shed more weight than expected despite lower muzzle velocity.  80gr TTSX was impressive, but only shot at 100 yards.

6 Arc Terminal Test was the actual, shorter video of the bullets being shot.  IMO, monolithic bullets are probably too tough beyond 300 yards, and even less at lower gas gun velocities.  Secant ogives make for a longer, sleeker (high BC) bullet, but work against powder capacity, so (ideally) better in a longer magazined boltgun than a gas gun.

RE: Thoughts on Hornady 95gr SST for Whitetail Hunting - grayfox - 01-16-2025

The 90 tgk, with its (I think) secant ogive, leaves plenty of room at 2.260, I'm shooting them a lot.
I could go up to 2.280 with my AR mags but 2.260 is working well now.
It hits lands at 2.335+/- depending on which one of my barrels I have in hand.
2800 in 20", 2850-ish in 22". These are the accuracy nodes I've found.

edit to add: I agree on the mono's, although I have not shot any in 6 Arc.

RE: Thoughts on Hornady 95gr SST for Whitetail Hunting - Rickhem - 01-17-2025

I too have used the SST bullets in other cartridges, and have had success when using them on deer. I've found that the 165SST is an easy bullet to get sub MOA groups with near max loads in my .308. That's been my go-to for hunting. I've also downloaded it significantly, per published data in an older Hornady manual, to the low 2000s, little recoil, and it still groups for me. Additionally, I've loaded both of the 150 grain SST bullets for my .308, and both of them shot well, but have not used either on anything but paper thus far.
My 6.8SPC shoots knots with the 120SST, and that same bullet shoots sub MOA in a downloaded .270 Win that my neighbor and hunting buddy uses. Have not hit a deer with that bullet personally yet though.
I got a variety of bullets for my 6ARC and tried the 95SST, the 90TGK, the Sierra 85 HPBT, Hornady 100 BTSP, some older 105 AMAX bullets, and an assortment of lighter varmint bullets. My first efforts with 95SST bullets were not good groups, around 3" at 100, but they were older bullets and there was lots of talk about the tips being loose back in those days. I have another box of the 95 SST bullets, but since the Sierra 85 HPBT bullet grouped so well, I just tweaked that and used that for my buck this year.

So I don't have any direct experience with using the 95 SST on game, but have used light bullets on deer with success. I'll work on getting the 95 SST loads working in my rifle, and have no reservations on eventually using them on deer. My typical hunting is woods environment, with a 100 yard shot being improbable through the trees. They do sometimes stop with desirable impact areas exposed, but if they're approaching, I'll wait until they're closer and I can pick my shot easier. If you're hunting with a well-constructed expanding bullet intended for medium size game, and it groups well enough for you to be confident you can put it where you want, you'll do fine. I feel that the 95 SST fits into that catagory, but so do a lot of other bullets as well.

RE: Thoughts on Hornady 95gr SST for Whitetail Hunting - cuttingedge - 02-04-2025

I have a 6 ARC AR with a 20" Satern barrel. I have only shot 103gr ELDX and the 108gr ELDM, both factory loads. It has been my experience that the ELDX is more accurate out of my gun, like under an inch at 100. I did shoot a big whitetail doe with it this past season and she was DRT. She was near 100 yards. Complete pass through shot just behind the shoulder. That cemented the validity of my rifle being very capable for deer sized game.

I love this caliber. So much so, that I'm picking up a Ruger American Gen 2 Predator tomorrow after noon. A buddy and I are going to reload some ammo specifically for the bolt gun and see what we can come up with.

RE: Thoughts on Hornady 95gr SST for Whitetail Hunting - Trashy - 02-06-2025

If you search for my post in the fall of 2020, you will find that the 95 SST is an absolute hammer when launched by Lever.  I bought my first ARC barrel the day after Hornady announced it and started load development on the SST, 90 and 100 gr tipped game changer (the TGK with a new name), 90 and 103 gr eld-x’s.  That CMMG barrel liked the SST’s the best and it accounted for 2 bucks a doe and 23 hogs that first hunting season if my memory is correct.  I just built my third ARC this past October using a Krieger barrel from Precision Firearms and the SST is still hitting homers!!!  I’ve lost track of how many hogs it has taken, I’ve only had to track one doe about 30 yards.  If your barrel likes it and shoots it well it’s gonna be hard to get the grin off of your face!  Lastly, I no longer use Lever I have switched to Accurate 2520, same velocity (in the Krieger 2520 gives faster velocities than Lever and it’s a whole lot cleaner), cleaner burning and doesn’t drop as much velocity in colder weather as Lever does.  Hope this helps a little.