Nosler Grendel brass at Shooters Pro Shop - Printable Version

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Nosler Grendel brass at Shooters Pro Shop - StoneHendge - 05-12-2022

Blemmed, 70ยข per in boxes of 50. I ordered 300.

I have about 350 pieces of Nosler .223 brass that I converted to 6x45 and that are at 7x and 8x. I haven't lost a single one due to a loosening primer pocket. I don't anneal and I haven't lost a single one to neck cracking or loss of tension - and going to 6x45 from .223 makes it thinner at the neck. The only pieces I've lost were literally lost.

RE: Nosler Grendel brass at Shooters Pro Shop - Old Bob - 05-13-2022

All gone already... :-(

RE: Nosler Grendel brass at Shooters Pro Shop - StoneHendge - 05-20-2022

They have more. Same price.