Anyone Use Mighty Armory Dies? - Printable Version

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Anyone Use Mighty Armory Dies? - BluntForceTrauma - 08-15-2022

Just ran across these 6ARC dies from Mighty Armory. What you guys heard about these?

RE: Anyone Use Mighty Armory Dies? - grayfox - 08-15-2022

Yikes - $120 smackers for just the decapping die...??
Also don't know what their reasoning is as to why tool steel (basically HSS) is "better" than carbide.
IIRC carbide dies are typically relegated to pistol dies anyway.
Neck friction/work hardening is better handled by some dry lube for the expander.
Seating die is where you need the most accuracy IMO.

Looks to me like somebody sank a lot of $$$$ in developing a highly-niche product.