I already have one ordered, my buddy has an EP4 and its a pretty good scope. I have been waiting for this one to release, at the introductory price they are offering it for now it was hard to pass up. I look for this one to sell in the 1K range when it hits the retail market. So for 550 and free shipping it's a pretty good deal.
This aint no Chinesium scope, they make quality stuff and with the Japanese glass and the features it has I would jump on it, other companies would get 1500 for the same product.
Use promo code
and get 100.00 off the 549.00 price, total 449.00 until 12/31
This aint no Chinesium scope, they make quality stuff and with the Japanese glass and the features it has I would jump on it, other companies would get 1500 for the same product.
Use promo code
and get 100.00 off the 549.00 price, total 449.00 until 12/31
If you can not see the tyranny of having a gun ban enforced by men with guns... Then you fail to understand why the second amendment was written in the first place.