Rem 700 in 300BO to 6ARC?
I traded into a used Rem 700 AAC in 300 BO. I think it would make a good candidate for a bolt action 6mm ARC. Am I delirious or does this sound like a reasonable project? I'm not a gunsmith in any way, but I have put together a couple of AR15 uppers. Is this something I could do? Change barrels and the bolt? Is it more involved that this?
College Station, TX
Besides the tools necessary the new barrel (does one exist?) would have to be headspaced. This is a job for a gunsmith.

Good luck,

Appreciate the input.
College Station, TX
Depends on your mechanical ability and willingness. I started into some savage re-barrelings a few years ago and with patience and some good tools it was easy to do.
Some barrel mfrs now make "remage" barrels with the savage nut but in the Remmy style so you can do the barrel swap yourself.
Get that, a pair of go/no-go gauges, and some barrel tools (I even made one, my barrel clamp out of oak boards-pieces and clamps) and you can do it.

What I don't know is whether the fatter 6Arc/grendel case will load from a basically 223-spaced mag arrangement (whether internal or dbm).

Plus you will need a gunsmith to turn out your bolt head to enlarge it to 0.442; Remmy's have 1-piece bolts right? Or is there a 6PPC or 7.62x39 remmy bolt?
I would keep the 700 as is. I have heard that 300 BO is a fun to shoot item. In this shortage era, cast lead bullets could be an ideal fit for the 300 BO.
The money spent on a new barrel, tools, gauges, labor will exceed what new rifle would cost. Perhaps wait for the Savage AXIS II in 6 arc that is rumored to be coming or perhaps get a 6 creed and load it down to 6 arc speeds.
Might not be bad advice, LA...
PTG has Remington 700 bolts with .447" inside diameter bolt faces.
The trick is growing up without growing old. -- Casey Stengal
I'm going to go with Lemonaid's advice. Thanks for the sanity check, fellas. Good advice all around.
College Station, TX
Finally got the action and barrel done. Action is a Savage 10 and a PPU Bolt head. Shaw 416R 1-7 twist SS 24” Barrel. Waiting on Hell Fire Brake and Magazines. Fitted onto a GRS STOCK. Anthlon ARES BTR 4.5-37x50 FFP Scope.
Original configuration was a Savage 10 6.5 Creedmoor.
Range report, please! Oh, and pictures. Lots of pictures.

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