Faxon bolt issue , overpressure?
Was testing out some soft points tonight at 100 yards.  Shot a nice .5 group but on my 4th round the round didn't chamber.  Was able to open it up and the ejector fell out the bottom of the gun along with the ejector spring. 

I probably only have 100 rounds through this gun.  I think this was a bolt assembly issue not an ammo issue.  Thoughts?

From lookin' at your imgur pix; it looks like the ejector roll pin was too small & worked its way out during your firing session. Or... the roll pin hole is oversized. If so, you need another bolt.
The trick is growing up without growing old. -- Casey Stengal
Thanks for the input, I'm going to call faxon and see if they will replace the bolt.
Faxon has good customer service, they got me a new bolt no questions asked in just a couple days.

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