After 6 months of working W the 6mm Arc & reflecting I am very much in favor of the 6mm if you have one. Lot like I am in favor of a silencer if you have one. Only thing is I do not have a silencer. To bad I do not use a silencer & thus my son could have the benefit of the recoil & more importantly muzzle blast mitigation. Then a lot more calibers would be on the table for consideration.
Personally used the 6mm Arc for deer this fall & with a sample of one I was very impressed in terms of recoil friendly 1st & in this instance terminal performance was phenomenal. First time I intentionally want after the Brachialplexus, Or central nervous system. Suppose I missed the mark a bit high catching the lower spine. Deer was DOA of the 108 GR Elite hunter with a 250 yard shot.
Unfortunately my son was not able to join dad for a hunt this fall. Hope we can change that this coming year.
Personally used the 6mm Arc for deer this fall & with a sample of one I was very impressed in terms of recoil friendly 1st & in this instance terminal performance was phenomenal. First time I intentionally want after the Brachialplexus, Or central nervous system. Suppose I missed the mark a bit high catching the lower spine. Deer was DOA of the 108 GR Elite hunter with a 250 yard shot.
Unfortunately my son was not able to join dad for a hunt this fall. Hope we can change that this coming year.