How many is enough for load
Note: on load work up for the Pacnor barrel If your geomitry is the same as mine You will reach max velocity / max pressure near 1 grain less than max book load. At least initially stay clear of the max load by a grain or so. work up in small increments.

Barrel mounted Magneto speed will change your barrel tune. Though will offer a lot in terms of reliable velocity data if you are so inclined. Velocity will go a long ways in terms of telling you how you are getting along with pressure. Barrel mounted magnitospeed should go far in terms being allowed at any range. Primer flatness will offer more clues if you are exceeding pressure.

Messages In This Thread
How many is enough for load - by Bassfish1952 - 08-22-2022, 08:16 PM
RE: How many is enough for load - by CZ527 Guy - 08-23-2022, 12:01 AM
RE: How many is enough for load - by Bassfish1952 - 08-23-2022, 02:26 AM
RE: How many is enough for load - by CZ527 Guy - 08-23-2022, 02:49 AM
RE: How many is enough for load - by CZ527 Guy - 08-23-2022, 03:20 AM
RE: How many is enough for load - by Bassfish1952 - 08-23-2022, 11:46 AM
RE: How many is enough for load - by grayfox - 08-23-2022, 01:23 PM
RE: How many is enough for load - by Bassfish1952 - 08-23-2022, 01:42 PM

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