Speer Grand Slam Bullets 243 Caliber
The problem I had with the100 grain grand slam bullets I tried was the outside diameter taper. Very base of the bullet was largest & just below the cannelure was .0006 smaller or so. My impression was the base of the bullet was resizing the case mouth resulting in nearly no neck tension on most of the bullet. Was not impressed to the point of contacting the company. When I was told this was within their specifications I promptly gave up on the Grandslam due to difficulty achieving neck tension.

Messages In This Thread
Speer Grand Slam Bullets 243 Caliber - by Old Bob - 10-14-2023, 05:25 PM
RE: Speer Grand Slam Bullets 243 Caliber - by CZ527 Guy - 10-25-2023, 10:34 AM

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