The requirements for membership at the R & P club I belong to: After filling out a membership application which includes a qualification questionnaire (Are you a felon or fugitive or a drug user? Have a dishonorable discharge?) you are given copies of our members guide book & club by-laws to read. Then you take a written test. All the answers to the test are in the guide book & by-laws. Plus it's an open book test. If you can't pass it, you probably shouldn't have firearms. The main point of the test, do you know firearm safety & our specific range rules. The test is a yearly requirement for all club members at time of membership renewal. There is no marksmanship test requirement. There is, however, a range familiarization day for all new applicants. Once all requirements are met & your range fee is paid, you are a full-fledged member. There is no probation. We are an NRA affiliated range - since the early 50s.
When I joined this club back in the mid 70s, all you did was fill out an application & pay your membership fee. There was no test or questionnaire. In this age of liability, the club is covering its behind now days. There's never been a firearms accident at our range since it was founded back in the 50s. Some dudes not paying attention where they were sitting have been bitten by rattlesnakes. That's the worst that has happened since I've been a member.
When I joined this club back in the mid 70s, all you did was fill out an application & pay your membership fee. There was no test or questionnaire. In this age of liability, the club is covering its behind now days. There's never been a firearms accident at our range since it was founded back in the 50s. Some dudes not paying attention where they were sitting have been bitten by rattlesnakes. That's the worst that has happened since I've been a member.
The trick is growing up without growing old. -- Casey Stengal