CZ 527 conversion to 6ARC
[attachment=795 Wrote:OldTrailDog pid='6927' dateline='1709069602']I built a gas gun 6ARC a couple of years ago and thoroughly enjoy shooting this cartridge.  This site is one that I regularly keep tabs on, and now I thought it was time to join up.

 I have been wanting to build a bolt gun to complement the gas gun and reload a common cartridge for both. The CZ527 really piqued my interest, but since they are no longer being made I thought I'd go the Howa mini 1500 route. But I also started monitoring a guntrader group in my state just in case....  Well, behold, now I am the owner of a CZ527 in 6.5 Grendel.

I know there are several here who have made this conversion.  Pac-nor seems like one of the popular routes to take.  I've checked out their website and there are a number of options available to make decisions on.  Therefore I thought it would be prudent to ask about what options did you chose and would you recommend? My use will be largely target plinking with a round of deer hunting in the fall.  I favor a bit longer barrel, 20" or better. Anyone using another barrel maker? Finally, if you had to do it over again, what would you have done differently?

I'm retired and I toy decisions are considerably more restricted, but I have the time to patiently put this together (or at least I think I do).  So this will take a while for completion.  In the interim I will enjoy my gas gun.

I did a 7.62x39 to 6arc conversion and it worked perfectly . Pac-Nor Barrel , 24" match grade and special contour . 
When I started looking for a different stock I was told by everyone that they did not make stocks for the cz527 carbine. So I had Pac-Nor copy the 7.62 barrel out to the end of the stock and from there maintain that to the end of the barrel.  I think it is .69, it makes for a very nice shooting rifle. 
Turns out the carbine has a block built into the barrel and the stock is squared off around that so I could have done differently . But that barrel has turned out to be very accurate so I guess it all turned out good.
Only thing I would do different is thread the barrel , I am sending it off now to have that done

Good luck on your CZ build.

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Messages In This Thread
CZ 527 conversion to 6ARC - by OldTrailDog - 02-27-2024, 09:33 PM
RE: CZ 527 conversion to 6ARC - by grayfox - 02-27-2024, 09:39 PM
RE: CZ 527 conversion to 6ARC - by Bassfish1952 - 02-27-2024, 10:15 PM
RE: CZ 527 conversion to 6ARC - by BDClone - 09-01-2024, 05:24 PM
RE: CZ 527 conversion to 6ARC - by Bassfish1952 - 09-02-2024, 11:54 AM
RE: CZ 527 conversion to 6ARC - by CZ527 Guy - 02-28-2024, 03:14 AM
RE: CZ 527 conversion to 6ARC - by OldTrailDog - 02-28-2024, 01:38 PM
RE: CZ 527 conversion to 6ARC - by Bassfish1952 - 02-28-2024, 01:48 PM
RE: CZ 527 conversion to 6ARC - by grayfox - 02-28-2024, 02:26 PM
RE: CZ 527 conversion to 6ARC - by OldTrailDog - 03-05-2024, 02:10 AM
RE: CZ 527 conversion to 6ARC - by Oso Polaris - 03-05-2024, 11:57 PM
RE: CZ 527 conversion to 6ARC - by Cwlongshot - 03-06-2024, 01:04 PM

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