Buffer weight
So, this definitely won't fit into standard answers. 18" proof barrel (rifle +1 gas), SA agb, JP low mass bcg, vltor A5 buffer system (green spring to start). The rifle will be shot both suppressed and unsuppressed but with a huxwrx flowthrough can. I haven't started ordering parts yet, but I'm trying to get all my ducks in a row. Which buffer weight do I go with? I'm thinking H0 or H1. Thanks!
Welcome to the forum.
Before discussing buffer weights, I note you are starting with an A5 system, which as I understand, is a rifle buffer length system. Personally I do not use rifle length buffers with these Grendel/6Arc systems, too many guys including me, have had trouble getting them to cycle properly. A carbine based system has worked better and always works, from my experience. Is the A5 a rifle length system?

Some rifle length buttstocks have worked with insertion of a carbine buffer-spacer before the spring, then using carbine springs and buffers... but even that setup, in the 1 or 2 cases for me have not cycled well, so I put that buttstock onto a bolt action (uintah) rifle and have kept all of my ARs as carbine based purely.

Now, to a carbine based system, my recommendation is to start with normal bcg and 3.8 (normal) buffer... you have a low mass bcg listed so yeah, maybe H0 to start. I've started with normal mass first, to make sure everything cycles for the weight of ammo I'll shoot, then adjust up from there.
Since you have an adjustable gas block, the SA is a good one, buffer mass is less of a concern. I keep a couple diff wts on hand just in case.

Some of the other guys on here may have some perspectives as well, I can only talk to what I've experienced.
A normal mass bcg (I favor nitride or NiB from a good mfr) might also save you some $$ which you can put towards ammo/reloading parts.
You get plenty of softening of cycle/recoil with adjusting buffer weights and your SA block... only thing else to consider is an adjustable bcg like bootstrap, again in my experience w/ carbine buttstock setup. One of the super-mods on the other forum uses that extensively on his suppressed/unsuppr. rifles, easy to adjust right on the bcg.
Thanks for the reply. The A5 is between rifle and carbine length. It does use a rifle length spring but can use any buffer including the basic carbine buffer. It's also a lot softer shooting than a carbine length system. I do have a couple different weight buffers here already I can try. I guess I'll just order the H0, and if that's still too heavy, I'll either use this https://taccom3g.com/product/rifle-recoil-system/ or a reduced power spring.
Keep us posted, I always like to learn something new.

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