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Annealing brass |
Posted by: CZ527 Guy - 06-19-2023, 11:21 PM - Forum: 6mmARC Ammunition and Reloading
- Replies (2)
I have done a fair bit of tight AZZ annealing over the years & was really wishing to to go top of the line induction annealer. A automated flame annealer was in the end my choice. I have grown to learn a a fair amount about brass annealing along the way. Recently came across the video below.
This chap does a super job of conveying the majority goals of the process in a well put together fashion like I have not seen B4. Thought this may be worth sharing.
Iosso bore cleaner? |
Posted by: Atlas0065 - 06-17-2023, 12:01 AM - Forum: 6mmARC Target & Competition
- Replies (2)
If I missed a previous thread on this I apologize. Looking for some advice on Iosso bore cleaner...Depending on who you talk too, it's been mentioned that this cleaner is the only "paste-type" cleaner that can be used at every cleaning. When I say "every cleaning" I'm mentioning within reason, say after every 50-100 rounds fired.
Does anyone use it sooner than that and more often? If so, how are your results? My concern is that I grew up being told that all paste type cleaners were "abrasive" type cleaners and were not to be used as often and certainly not at every cleaning. However, I have heard recently from many (including the company) that it is ok to use Iosso at every cleaning because it's not an abrasive cleaner like JB bore paste or others.
reloading 90gr ELD-X |
Posted by: Bassfish1952 - 06-08-2023, 08:15 PM - Forum: 6mmARC Ammunition and Reloading
- Replies (2)
Got the 90gr ELD-X in
Looking at Hornady load app
with LR powder
Low at 27.2gr supposed to be 2600
High at 32.3 supposed to be 3050
So am loading
1 at each
28.0, 28.3,28.6, 28.9, 29.2, 29.5, 29.8, 30.1, 30.4, 30.7, 31.0, 31.3. the last 1 is 1gr below max and plan on stopping if I hit or exceed 3000fps
again I'm going to match against factory load and check after every shot . After all once I get to the range I have all day
Any suggestions ?
Operator error w Mighty armory Die |
Posted by: CZ527 Guy - 06-04-2023, 08:55 PM - Forum: 6mmARC Ammunition and Reloading
- Replies (3)
Think I just ruined 20 cases & feel fortunate that I discovered the issue before more cases were damaged. After resizing the 20 cases the primers were very difficult to seat full depth, or would not seat full depth. Went to uniform the bottom of the primer pocket & noticed the bottom of the primer pocket less belled out.
First thought is over pressure though primers are fitting nice & tight. Well I did not think the mighty armory die had any adjustment. Took the die apart & never noticed a issue. Took out the stem again & then I noticed the primer ejector pin was threaded out over two turns. threaded it back in all the way & protruded primer pockets cleared up.
Just Hope this may help prevent issues for others.
Another Question a cartridge's life is |
Posted by: Bassfish1952 - 06-02-2023, 03:38 PM - Forum: 6mmARC Ammunition and Reloading
- Replies (4)
I think once I have a hunting load for 90gr GMX 6arc I will have about 100 bullets left. Should I load , label and store them ? If so how long will they last ?
I was thinking about getting a cheaper bullet to load and shoot at the range, for range I can load light and conserve both powder and Brass life.
What do you guys do ?