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Forum: 6mmARC Ammunition and Reloading
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Palmetto's AAC Ammo Has 6...
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New barrel coming, Savage
Forum: 6mmARC Bolt Actions
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PSA 6mm ARC Sabre Rifle
Forum: 6mmARC AR15s and Semi-Autos
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01-29-2025, 11:21 AM
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Forum: 6mmARC Target & Competition
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01-27-2025, 04:27 PM
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Loads starting to come to...
Forum: 6mmARC Ammunition and Reloading
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Military Future of 6mm AR...
Forum: 6mmARC Military & LE
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A handgun in 6mm ARC
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New To Reloading Question
Forum: 6mmARC Ammunition and Reloading
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01-20-2025, 02:12 AM
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Suitable powders I have on hand |
Posted by: jimbates - 11-25-2022, 10:35 PM - Forum: 6mmARC Ammunition and Reloading
- Replies (5)
It would sure be nice to pick up a few pounds of the powders I would like to try in the ARC but......since they are scarce, I will use what I have. I believe I have two powders that would work, H4895 and VVN140. I want to use the Hornady 103gr ELD-X if I can get it to shoot. Neither of these powders are in the Hornady data for that bullet.
Anybody using the combo already?
New guy from Oklahoma |
Posted by: TonyRumore - 11-24-2022, 02:24 AM - Forum: Welcome New Members
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I didn't realize there was a 6mm ARC board or I would have been on here sooner.
It's great to see Hornady release the 6 ARC....my first AR was chambered in 6mm PPC. Olympic Arms 16" Multimatch, circa 1991.
Back then, there were no flat top upper receivers made by anyone. Olympic took standard A2 receivers and milled the carry handle off, then screwed a weaver rail across the top.
That was cutting edge at the time.
Tony Rumore
6arc barrel length |
Posted by: mssony352 - 11-23-2022, 10:36 PM - Forum: 6mmARC Bolt Actions
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I ordered a 18 inch tactical to shoot suppressed and liked it so much I decided to do a custom build bolt gun. I chose a 20 bs 22 inch barrel as I am going to shoot it suppressed. Do you loose that much FPS by doing that?
2022 Deer Hunt |
Posted by: bellycrawl - 11-21-2022, 09:40 PM - Forum: 6mmARC Hunting & Varminting
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My son (9 years old) and I were able to shoot two deer this season with the 6 ARC cartridge. An AR15 rifle with a 20" Faxon, fluted barrel with Maxim bolt. It is a very accurate setup with Hornady factory ELD-X loads using a Vortex Razor HD LHT 3-15. I also used a Silencer Co Omega 300, with a seekins adj gas block.
He shot a doe at 120 yds, bullet destroyed the heart and exited. The doe took one step and fell. No bullet recovery. I shot a doe at 100 yards. The bullet hit the shoulder and exited the front chest cavity. The bullet destroyed meat and bone and punched through. The doe took around four steps and collapsed. No bullet recovery. We were sitting in a 10 foot stand looking out over a field with a tree line at 250 yds. The rifle is 2 for 2!
It should be noted that this was my first hunt with an AR. I've shot a 270 Win for 30 years, and I really enjoyed the AR as the collapsible stock allowed us to share the rifle (with different LOP needs) minimizing the weight we carried in the field. Light weight, low recoil. I don't see myself going back to a 270 anytime soon.
This was my son's first hunt and the little 6mm delivered great results.
New from North Carolina |
Posted by: Ray R - 11-21-2022, 05:13 AM - Forum: Welcome New Members
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I was very happy to find a forum for the 6mm ARC.
I'm located in High Point, NC.
I'm getting a Savage AXIS II chambered for the 6mm ARC and intend to make it my project rifle, modifying it for benchrest shooting starting at 100 yards and going up from there - depending on what long range sites are nearby and how well I can really shoot this rifle. - LOL
I am hoping I can find a lot of information about accessories and general use of this round, along with reloading information and recommendations.
My new Savage AXIS II 6mm ARC |
Posted by: Ray R - 11-21-2022, 05:05 AM - Forum: 6mmARC Bolt Actions
- Replies (9)
My new Savage AXIS II 6mm ARC just arrived.
I'm waiting for my scope base to get here. I selected a 0 MOA base because I couldn't find a 20 MOA base in stock at a reasonable price. Once it gets here, I'll be mounting my Bushnell 4500 Elite 8-32*44 scope on it, until I get the rifle broken in and can decide the longest distance that I will be shooting at and what scope & reticle I really want to put on it. One-thousand-yard ranges are not common here (I live in High Point, NC).
I was taken by surprise when I found my cleaning rod was too fat for this little round. I had to really look hard to find a 6mm rod, jag and brush. And I thought sourcing gear for my .32 caliber handguns was hard - LOL
I'm going to clean and lubricate this rifle tomorrow. I use Butch's Bore shine as a cleaner and have developed an affinity for gun grease in my handguns. My lubrication guideline is: "if it slides, grease it and if it rotates, oil it". My only other current rifle is an Enfield #4 Mk I. It is very accurate; sub-MOA rifle with a South African barrel with commercial 174 grain military ammo at 100 yards. The rifle ws made in 1947 and the barrel was installed as part of an FTR done by the British military in 1958. Thats OK because I was made in 1946 - LOL
I will be shooting the Savage at 100 yards to start with.
I will be adding a bi-pod and be shooting from a bench rest to begin with. My only benchrest experience was with a custom 6mm BR at a friend's 100-yard range. It had a fixed 36 power weaver scope, a 2-ounce trigger and custom ammunition. My groups started at 3/4" and ended at 1/4". Up to that time, I thought a 2" or 3" group at 100 yards was pretty good.
That day I learned the joy of shooting a really accurate rifle and the value of a light trigger on a low recoiling rifle and a high-power scope. Being able to see the target through that scope eclipsed using peep sights. Now that I'm older and have had some eye problems, I really value a clear, high-powered scope and a good cheek rest.
I am going to add an inexpensive adjustable cheek rest to the current Savage stock if I find I need one. I will be getting a low set of scope rings that have inserts which can give me up to 30 MOA if I find I need it.
The rings on my Enfield were high along with my scope mount being high. I needed room to clear the rifles wooden stock room to be able to load that rifle from the top.
I plan to eventually upgrade over time in steps with the first step being a longer barrel and the last step being the fitting of this rifle into an Oryx stock. I have 3 boxes of Hornady ammo coming in with the boat tailed hollow point ammunition. I'll use those cases for reloading until I can buy some from Hornady.
I'm looking at reloading dies. In the past, my Lee dies have served me well, but I am thinking of getting some dies with a built-in calibrated adjustment for bullet seating.
I hope these cases stay more concentric then my .303 British proved to be.
I have seen some photos of benchrest rifles using a small tripod the size of most bipods but have not been able to find a manufacturer. I am also going to need to get a chronograph that is range friendly. I feel the Lab Radar is a little out of my price range for now and will probably try that unit that mounts onto the rifles barrel. Once I get real velocity measurements to verify what my QuickLoad program estimates, I'll be more comfortable with my loads.
I realize there is a lot of gear I haven't thought of yet, so I am open to suggestions.
I'm sold on the 6mm for accuracy and availability of a wide range of bullet sizes & shapes.
For what it's worth, I personally like the idea of the Military looking at getting this round to enable continued use of M16's as a service rifle. I feel it is a cost- effective measure and a real performance enhancement. We are getting back to the effective range of our WWI & WW II rifles, and we do need that range. My Drill Instructor at MCRD San Diego said so! - LOL
I also think this will make getting ammunition a little easier in the future.
Resizing? |
Posted by: pmc847 - 11-17-2022, 08:26 PM - Forum: 6mmARC Ammunition and Reloading
- Replies (7)
Just checking to see if this is normal.
SAAMI specs cartridge .4410 @ .200 from base and .4315 @ 1.00 from base
specs chamber .4426 @ .200 from base and .4325 @ 1.00 from base.
Hormady 108 match
cartridge .4350 @ .200 from base and .4275 @ 1.00 from base
Fired brass
cartridge .4425 @ .200 from base and .4320 @ 1.00 from base
Resized with L E Wilson die
cartridge .4350 @ .200 from base and .4250 @ 1.00 from base
Measurements taken with Mitutoyo CD-6" ASX
Question is, is this die re-sizing too much?
Shouldn't, ideally, resizing be the same as SAAMI cartridge spec. .006 seems a lot and when you add the chamber spec to cartridge difference of .0016 you get .0076. or am I nitpicking?